ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus who wants to break free from sin, infirmity and bondage...
Experience Lasting Victory 
And Freedom
Learn How to Activate Your Faith, Cut Off Demonic Access and Release Blessings for You, Your Family and Others 
Idols Exposed webinar
The replay for Dr. Francis Myles' and Katie Souza's webinar: 
“Idols Exposed: Your Key to Lasting Victory and Freedom”
will be posted here soon!

Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for the webinar with
Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza:
“Idols Exposed: Your Key to Lasting Victory and Freedom”
The video above does not includes the Q&A
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Powerful closing prayer to heal your soul
by Katie Souza
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Dr. Francis Myles
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza
Can a Christian have an idol?

Satan has convinced Believers that idolatry is a relic of ancient times or isolated to those practicing pagan religions.

And while you probably don't have a carved image you bow down to...

Idols are more common that you think, plaguing many, if not most, Christians, today!

They do things like steal your giftings, bring disease and infirmity, affect your finances, sow strife in your relationships, and so much more.

In fact, if you are struggling with oppression, infirmity, fulfilling your calling, or have a troubled history in your finances or relationships that no amount of prayer, deliverance, or resisting the devil overcomes, it's likely you are dealing with a root of idolatry.

An idol is ANYTHING - a person, place, thing, or activity - that comes first before God in your heart.

They are cloaked in the guise of our needs or desires. They often enter as a coping mechanism for stress, trauma, or heart wounds.
  • Do you crave carbs when you are stressed out?
  • Has fitness taken first place in your life?
  • What do you turn to when you feel overwhelmed? 
While enjoying a nice meal, working out, or engaging in entertainment is not automatic idolatry, when these activities become the mechanism that you turn to for peace or comfort, they become idols.

The more your soul becomes reliant on these idols, the more the demonic spirit behind that idol is energized to wage war against your soul!

That's why deliverance alone often doesn't end the battle for your breakthrough. These hidden idols create a legal landing strip and unholy altar that give access to the demonic realm to harass, oppress, and hold you back from the Kingdom life God intended for you.
woman sitting on a rock
But you CAN end the cycle and break free from sin, infirmity, and bondage when you learn how to identify, prosecute, and destroy idols and their evil altars in the courts of heaven.
If you desire to expose idols and experience breakthrough, lasting victory, and complete freedom in your life, then you won't want to miss...
Idols Riot
Idols Riot
Prosecuting Idols And Evils Altars From The Courts Of Heaven
8-Lesson Class with Dr. Francis Myles
 and Katie Souza
Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to get the breakthrough you have prayed for and longed to experience?

Do you feel like you’re constantly being attacked in your physical health, wealth, relationships, spiritual gifting, and destiny?

It might be because idols are rioting in your soul.

That’s right, idols!

Satan has convinced believers that idolatry is a relic of ancient times or isolated to pagan religions.

This is how he keeps us in bondage and defeat.

Today, idols may come in the guise of a shiny new car, your favorite dessert, or latest Netflix binge…
…but the demons behind these modern-day idols are just as dark and deadly as the ones we read about in the Bible. 

Every time we worship at their altars, we give them legal right to curse, devour, and even destroy our lives.

The truth is, your idols may actually be the very thing causing you to suffer, blocking your destiny, and keeping you locked in a pattern of defeat.

But you don’t have to live a life controlled by idols.

This teaching will set you free and equip you to silence the idols rioting in your life and bloodline.
woman with outstretched arms on the beach
If you want to step out of bondage and experience an explosion of miracles, breakthroughs, and release into the fullness of your destiny and calling, you won’t want to miss this class!
In this class you will learn...
  • Common forms of idolatry prevalent in culture today
  • Why having idols in your heart delays and blocks the fulfillment of God’s purpose for your life
  • How to identify idols and evil altars that need to be destroyed in your life and bloodline
  • Why trauma or a wounded soul serves as an open door for idols to take up residence
  • How to identify and stop the money-stealing idols and evil altars from ransacking your finances
  • How idols and evil altars in your generational bloodline exert their influence in your life
  • Why idols must be dealt with through Heavenly Courts
  • How to prosecute idols and destroy evil altars in the Courts of Heaven
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Class Lessons
Overview of the Idols Riot 8-Lesson Class

Click the play button above for the class description
by Katie Souza and Dr. Francis Myles

Lesson 1: Idols - Breaking the First Commandment (Katie Souza)
“You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3). God commands us to put Him first, and according to Scripture, the biggest thing that comes against His commandment is idolatry—even today. This eye-opening lesson will reveal the biblical understanding of idols from both an Old and New Testament context. You will discover what worshiping idols look like in modern-day life as well as the common signs an idol is using demonic power to target your spiritual gifting, physical health, wealth, relationships, and destiny.  

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Window Shopping for Idols (Dr. Francis Myles)
The more secular or intellectual a nation becomes, the more it floods itself with idols. They might be called by polite names like entertainment, art, or even freedom, but in actuality the force behind them is a demon. This lesson explores how an unhealed or traumatized soul will “window shop” to medicate the pain. You will discover some of the most common idols that permeate culture today and the demonic entities driving them. You will learn the biblical Order of First Things and the consequences of violating this principle. This lesson will teach you how to break the influence and power of these idols from your life.

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: The Law of Dominion (Dr. Francis Myles) 
The fresh understanding of earthly and spiritual realms unveiled in this lesson will open your eyes to the awesome role you play in representing God’s Kingdom on earth. You will learn the significance of Genesis 1:26-28, and what it reveals about the spiritual connection between idols, evil altars, and man’s earthly mandate. In this lesson, you will discover the power structures that give legal access to spiritual forces, the laws that rule them, and the role of the worshiper in opening the gates between the natural and spiritual realms. 

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Idols and Evil Altars in Your Soul (Katie Souza)
In Old Testament times, people built physical altars out of stone or wood. Today, we erect altars in our souls. This lesson dives deep into the “why” behind idolatry. You will learn the role of sin and inner wounds in opening the door to idolatry, and how what we turn to for “comfort” can soon become a “god” in our lives. Learn how to bind the strongman, tear down evil altars, and receive supernatural healing for your soul that will shut the door that the enemy uses as a landing strip in your life.

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 1: Build a Solid Foundation
When building a physical house to live in, it is impossible to install critical systems such as plumbing and electrical before pouring the foundation for the building to sit on. This is not only true with construction, but also with your finances. Unless you have a foundation of strong financial principles to build upon in proper sequence, your financial house cannot function properly! In this lesson you will learn what these Biblical financial principles are, and how you can implement them to create a solid foundation to build upon.
Lesson 2: Seek Vision, Not Provision
Do you work in your chosen field because you have a vision you are pursuing, or because you’re pursuing the income that the field brings with it? In this lesson, Craig teaches the principle that is critical to understand when it comes to your finances: provision follows vision, not the other way around! 
Lesson 5: Taking Idols to the Courts of Heaven (Katie Souza)
In the previous lesson, we looked at the influence of demon gods in your soul. In this lesson, you will discover how to silence these idols and cut off their legal access to your life in the Courts of Heaven. Regardless of how idols may have entered your life—whether generational sin, soul wounds, or trauma—idolatry is sin. Satan might be the father of lawlessness, but he’s not above using that same law to hold you captive. To break his power, you must go to court so the blood of Jesus can acquit you and grace can set you free. This lesson will teach you how to enter the courts of heaven to nullify Satan’s accusations, restrain the strongman, and receive grace to prevail against the idols and evil altars that were operating in your soul. 
Lesson 6: Prosecuting Evil Altars in the Courts of Heaven (Dr. Francis Myles)
Evil altars serve as the power station from which idols operate. If we overthrow the idols but fail to destroy the evil altars from which they rule, it will be difficult to live a life of sustained breakthrough. In this lesson, you will discover the spiritual significance of altars and the biblical precedence for destroying altars in the natural and spiritual realm. You will learn the signs that an altar has been prosecuted and judged and how to enter the Courts of Heaven to prosecute and tear down unholy altars in your soul.
Lesson 7: Overthrowing Money Altars (Dr. Francis Myles)
When we worship idols, we automatically give these idols and their altars legal rights to control our finances. Every believer on earth has idols and evil altars that were established in their ancestral bloodline. Hosting idols and evil altars can cost you everything. In this lesson, you will understand the biblical basis for overthrowing money altars through the lives of Job, Gideon, and Dr. Myles’ own dramatic personal testimony of deliverance and an explosion of wealth that came as he identified and tore down the ancestral evil altars in his family line. You will learn the steps you need to experience the same breakthrough and blessing in your life.  
Lesson 8: Losing Your Money to Idols (Katie Souza)
God wants to release your finances from the control of worthless idols. By this point in the class, you will have likely identified the idols operating in your life and bloodline. This lesson will expose the financial cost of the idols in your life. Idolatry will bleed your finances. It may come through money you spend on compulsions, addictions, purchases of products, food, or other soul-soothers, or through the devastation that idolatry can loose in your life through sickness, failure, and destruction. 

Discover the link between your finances and idolatry, and the steps to break the financial chokehold of the enemy. As you apply the principles of this lesson, you will experience the freedom that comes when you destroy the ungodly altars that steal your money, and pave the way for an explosion of miracles, breakthroughs, and release into the fullness of your destiny and calling.
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How this class Works
This 8-lesson LIVE class officially starts on April 12. However, you will receive access to the first lessons as soon as you sign up. 

Each lesson is about 45 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 8 main lessons:
  • Lesson 1: Idols - Breaking the First Commandment
  • ​Lesson 2: Window Shopping for Idols
  • ​Lesson 3: The Law of Dominion
  • ​Lesson 4: Idols and Evil Altars in Your Soul
  • ​Lesson 5: Taking Idols to the Courts of Heaven
  • ​Lesson 6: Prosecuting Evil Altars in the Courts of Heaven
  • ​Lesson 7: Overthrowing Money Altars
  • Lesson 8: Losing Your Money to Idols
Each lesson has:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A transcript
Dream Language
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 (Tues, Apr 19 at 4 pm Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 (Tues, May 3 at 4 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7-8 (Tues, May 17 at 4 pm Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Dr. Myles and Katie. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you to process with others and hear Dr. Myles and Katie answer member questions.

    If you miss any of the LIVE sessions, that is okay because we will post the replays on the Teachable member site.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    57% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 8-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $700. However, you receive a $400 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    71% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by April 19)
    The normal retail price for this 8-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $700. However, you receive a $500 savings, making your price only $200.
    Cash Savings
    bonus class
    Restoring the Power of The Cross and The Kingdom
    2-Lesson Class with Dr. francis myles and katie souza
    (Must sign up by april 12)
    This two lesson bonus course taught by Generals of the Faith Katie Souza and Dr. Francis Myles is power-packed and revelatory. It is astonishing how a different perspective on a familiar Bible verse or passage of scripture can suddenly spark a breakthrough in your understanding!

    The kinetic move of the Holy Spirit on their teaching at this gathering will draw you into the heavenly realm of Kingdom revelation. You'll come to value the wicked Barabbas in a way you never imagined, and you will enter a new place of life as your spirit grasps the teaching of Jesus on immortality. Wow! This is Bible excitement with a very personal and life-changing impact. Lessons include:
    • Lesson 1: They Chose Barabbas (Dr. Francis Myles)
    • ​Lesson 2: Defeating the Power of Death (Katie Souza)
    Idols Riot!: Prosecuting Idols and Evil Altars in The Courts of Heaven
    Book by Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza
    PDF Book available instantly!
    (Must sign up by April 9)
    This book unpacks the holy grail of Scripture on the subject of God, idols and altars. It contains power-packed revelation that will overthrow idols and evil altars in your soul or bloodline that are keeping you from enjoying a life of abundance and intimacy with God! 

    Inside the pages of Idols Riot, you will learn:
    • Why worshipping idols delays and blocks the fulfillment of God's Purpose
    • Why satan tempts people to break the first of the Ten Commandments
    • ​Why an unhealed soul window shops for idols
    • ​How satan infiltrates your life with idols and evil altars in your bloodline to control you
    • ​How to silence idols when they are rioting in your soul!
    • ​How to take idols and evil altars into the courts of Heaven to face prosecution
    • ​How to identify and stop money stealing idols and evil altars
    bonus book
    bonus teaching
    Idols Riots: Healing and Deliverance
    Teaching and activation with dr. francis myles and katie souza
    (Must sign up by April 6)
    Why do so many Christians suffer from pain, disease, and infirmities even after healing prayer? In this dynamic session, Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza unpack the biblical link between idolatry and the spiritual roots of disease and infirmity. Idolatry, even generational idolatry passed down your family line, gives legal right to demonic forces to attack your body and physical health with death. 

    This teaching and activation session will equip you to break the power of death in the courts of heaven and loose healing in the earth. Expect to receive guidance in ministering healing, activation and impartation of healing gifts, and ministry for healing during this powerful live healing and activation service with Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza.
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    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    8-lesson training ($400 value)
    • Lesson 1: Idols - Breaking the First Commandment (Katie Souza)
    • ​Lesson 2: Window Shopping for Idols (Dr. Francis Myles)
    • Lesson 3: The Law of Dominion (Dr. Francis Myles)
    • Lesson 4: Idols and Evil Altars in Your Soul (Katie Souza)
    • Lesson 5: Taking Idols to the Courts of Heaven (Katie Souza)
    • Lesson 6: Prosecuting Evil Altars in the Courts of Heaven (Dr. Francis Myles)
    • Lesson 7: Overthrowing Money Altars (Dr. Francis Myles)
    • ​Lesson 8: Losing Your Money to Idols (Katie Souza)
    3 LIVE interactive Q&A Sessions ($300 value)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 (Tues, Apr 19 at 4 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 (Tues, May 3 at 4 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Tues, May 17 at 4 pm Eastern)
    • 57% savings: $300 instead of $700
    • 71% savings: $200 instead of $700 (sign up by April 19)
    • Restoring The Power of The Cross and The Kingdom — 2-Lesson Class with Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza (sign up by April 12)
    • Idols Riot: Prosecuting Idols and Evil Altars in the Courts of Heaven— PDF Book by Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza — FREE PDF available instantly (sign up by April 9)
    • Idols Riot Healing and Deliverance — Teaching and Activation with Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza (sign up by April 6)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME access to the private member site
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will empower you to prosecute idols from the courts of heaven to experience lasting breakthrough.

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
    Money Back 30-Day Guarantee
    Idols Riot
    Idols Riot
    Prosecuting Idols And Evils Altars From The Courts Of Heaven
    Priority Order Form
    YES! I want to experience lasting victory and freedom!
    And receive all the class bonuses and benefits.
    Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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    Blessings to experience breakthrough and lasting freedom!
    Dr. Myles and Katie
    Dr. Francis Myles (Francis Myles International)
    Katie Souza (Katie Souza Ministries)
    Dr. Francis Myles, a native of Zambia, had a powerful divine healing encounter with Jesus Christ. Since then, he has seen thousands of people healed through his crusades and meetings. Known as a great “revelator,” Dr. Myles has been gifted with biblical insight and revelation into many hidden mysteries of the Word. He has created The Order of Melchizedek Supernatural School of Ministry and is the author of The Order of Melchizedek and many other books. Dr. Myles is also the founder of Marketplace Bible International, designed to help Christians apply biblical principles to the marketplace. He and his wife, Carmela Real, reside in McDonough, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta.
    Katie Souza is a dynamic and prolific international teacher, minister, author, and television host. She is known for her biblical insight on soul-healing, a revelation that explains why so many believers can appear to do everything they have learned in church, yet still do not see breakthrough in their lives. Katie’s life is an example of the life changing power of soul-healing. In her earlier years she was a career criminal, convicted of a number of felonies, and sent to federal prison to serve almost twelve years. In prison, Katie encountered God in a way that dramatically changed her life.  Katie lives in Arizona with her husband, Robert, and their two small dogs.
    Idols Riot
    Copyright 2022 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.